The flight from Seattle was leaving at 8:25am to Houston and then on to Mexico City. I had arrived home the night before after dinner at Matt’s Oyster bar in Redmond where I had my last real American meal for a week – a lovely rainbow trout. And it was fandabbiedozie!!!! Of course this meant getting back home to then pack! Fortunately, I had already looked out all of my paragliding gear and had it in one place. It’s amazing the electronic gear you accumulate over the years – Garmin GPS, SPOT Messenger, Radio, GPS/Integrated Vario, backup vario, GOPro HiDef Cameras (yes 2 this year!), Digital Camera, Rechargeable battery charger, PTT switch, laptop, IPhone (now an ITouch), Windows Phone plus all the needed chargers for all that stuff.
So now I only really had to get the clothes organized. Glad to say the entire time to pack for the 10 days took a total of 1 hour. So all was good. LeAnn had graciously agreed to take me to the airport so we set the alarms for 5:45 and headed off to sleep at 10:00pm. Got a good night’s sleep at last this week. Work has been busy and a lot going on so I was quite glad to have wrapped it all up before I left.. at least I hope!
In the morning, I packed the car and headed off to the Airport at 6:15 with LeAnn silently tired in the passenger seat as I drove down. Normally not travelling at this time in the morning I was really surprised by the amount of cars on the road this early in the morning. Glad I don’t have to do that on a regular basis. However the HOV lane helps a lot when you have 2 in the car. I arrived at the airport to find 3 of my 5 travelling colleagues arriving at the same time – Fireman Jeff, Preacher Dave and Hobbit Gilead. Wheelie Bob Dave was already in side and Duct Tape Doug had caught an earlier flight. So we were set. When I checked in I got the option to upgrade to first class on the Houston Mexico city leg for a bargain $79. This was a no brainer. With my paraglider bag I would need to pay for extra luggage but when travelling first class it includes 2 bags, plus you get lots of space, free alcohol and dinner!.
Oh yeah. As I write, I am flying over the gulf of Mexico, no oil slicks in sight I am glad to report, and eating a medallion of beef and pork with rice accompanied by lashings of wine!
We had organized a 14 seat bus to pick us all up and take us to Valle upon our arrival so hopefully it will be there!!!
Well, turns out the Van did come but we had a bit of a time finding Doug. He was in a different terminal. When we did pick him up about 1 hour later there was a traffic jam at the airport and we eventaullay arrived at Valle de Bravo 4 hours after we landed. In any event. We are all here now. So tomorrow we should have a flight report.!!!!
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